ZSW II: Return to Zombie Island (Review)

Despite there being a lot less people at this event due to a lot of last minute drop outs a good time was still had by all.

I intended to have an event in October but unfortunately my wife leaving me put a halt to that.

We had to wait for stragglers which was annoying, (Next time turn up early rather than late people!) and a lot of people who said they were coming including some who paid, ended up dropping out on the day which is a real shame, but those of us who were there really did have a good time.

The weather was glorious the whole time, if anything slightly too warm! We had a casual start waiting for the late comers, then we started the Skills share, we had, Semaphore cheerleading display, OS map reading games, A solar oven demonstration, Talk on identifying the infected, Fire making with vasaline and striker, and unproven firemaking method involving polishing with a bar of chocolate and a can of beer?! and a demonstration of de-salination of seawater.

Then we went over to the island we did a saftey walk, collected fire wood, then prooved our manliness/stubborness/trained in hacking at zombies by chopping logs with a sledgehammer! played a game of Kub (viking stick throwing game) in the sun and chilled out,BBQ and drinks and then a successful game, yet again the Humans survived! unlike real zombies our zombies DO get tired and drunk!

ZSW II Stats:

Date: 26th-27th May 2012
Location: Zombie Island.
Participants: 15

Event final score: Human Victory (1 survivor at end of game (3am))

Riddles solved, 3/15
Injuries: 0
Lost Property: 0
Prizes on offer: 5x free entry to next event. and certificates.
Plus special one off prize from Philip Hynes, Phil Custom Sculpts, HTTP://PHILSCUSTOMSCULPTS.BLOGSPOT.CO.UK a custom scultped fridge magnethe ‘Chief Infector’ (Zombie who caught the most humans) (See Hall of Brains for full winners list.)

Weather: Boiling hot the whole weekend.

Lessons taught at skills share:

  • -Semaphore cheerleading display,
  • -OS map reading games,
  • -A solar oven demonstration, -Talk on identifying the infected,
  • -Fire making with vasaline and striker, and
  • -unproven firemaking with a bar of chocolate and a can of beer?!
  • -de-salination of seawater.

We then proved our manliness/stubborness/trained in hacking at zombies by chopping logs with a sledgehammer!

Winners list